Wednesday 7 September 2011

Arrived in Boston!!!

We have arrived in Boston after a long day travelling. Keith picked us up at 0415 which was a bit of a shock as i'd only just rolled out of bed, and we made the Humberside airport before 5. 

All of the flights went to plan and even US Customs were very pleasant (they asked Mary had she seen the Beatles at the Cavern but she was quick to point out that she would have been about 12 then. 

Got stitched up by a taxi driver first day here - he dropped us at the wrong hotel so we had to get another through the rush hour traffic (apparently it's always rush hour) Total cost was $40 for a 6 mile trip only to find that the hotel runs a shuttle for $8 door to door. We'll be skint in a few days if we carry on like this so from now on it's back to walking.

Anyway, sunny Boston is basking in inches of rain - a bit similar to the dank weather we've been having in the UK.

We are going to get an early night as we don't want to be late for the bus to Marthas Vineyard tomorrow. Let's hope the fog doesn't cause the ferries to be suspended! 

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