Wednesday 14 September 2011

Out and about in Marthas Vineyard

Marthas Vineyard Camp Meeting Association 
- We found this campsite as we were walking through the area where we stayed in MV, - the tabernacle is the centre piece of the camp ground.     Originally it was the site of a religious revival in the late 19th century .  It consists of a large open auditorium surrounded by small wooden houses which were originally made from canvas    but they were re-build in wood to survive the hard winters of New England .   Even now, though, they are not insulated.

Architecturally, the Tabernacle is a unique structure, with wrought iron arches and supports, two clerestories with dozens of coloured glass windows, and an octagonal cupola.

The tabernacle is surrounded by a  green area  and then the houses are all around the green, and to walk through at night and see people sitting outside on the porch was lovely.  All the houses are painted different colours and every porch is different.  The tabernacle is on the national register of historic places.     

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